The First Female President
By Asiimwe Tetero Esther Nyllah, ASYV Class of 2024
I am a young Rwandan author, age 16. I delight in seeing girls take the lead in their societies, and was inspired by the life story of Deborah Meillah, ASYV Class of 2022, especially by her struggles and her desire to uplift the vulnerable girls in her society. Due to this admiration, I decided to share Deborah’s story with the world, in the hope of inspiring other girls who aspire to become great empathetic leaders like Deborah—or even better.
Author Asiimwe Tetero Esther Nyllah
Who is Asiimwe Hirwa Deborah Meillah?
Deborah Meillah is a talented, hardworking, patient and caring girl with a strong desire to serve. Unlike most teenagers, she was able to discover herself and who she really wanted to be in her early adolescence. Believing that one doesn’t need much to make a difference, she then embarked on the journey of making the world a better place. This is her story.
Early life
Deborah was born on October 18, 2004, into a family that includes her mother, grandmother, and younger sister. Her father passed on when she was still very young. Her father’s demise posed several challenges to her family that they, especially her mother, had to toil to overcome.
Kelly, Amiga, and Deborah (left to right) started a poetry club in the Village.
Deborah Meillah at ASYV
At ASYV, Deborah found a home away from home. During her first year, she formed a poetry group with her two companions Kelly and Amiga. Together, they wrote and recited poems addressing issues that affect the girl-child in the contemporary world.
The First Step Towards Leadership
At the end of her first year at ASYV, Deborah decided that she wanted to lead her community. She ran for the position of junior minister in the student government, and she won. It was her first time to directly lead, and it was not easy for her. However, she chose to engage other student leaders who advised her and helped her grow better at the job.
The First Female President
After a year of challenges, successes, and tremendous learning as a junior minister, Deborah aspired to go a step further in her leadership journey. She had so much to offer, and she was willing to offer it. Therefore, she ran for president, something that no other girl in ASYV had ever done. It was a tough journey with stiff competition, but she emerged the champion.
As she was serving and contributing to the development of the ASYV community, Deborah wanted to also help other girls outside ASYV.
Deborah is sworn in as the first female President of Student Government at ASYV.
She started an initiative called 'Belle,' which translates to "beautiful." Belle reaches out to vulnerable girls in different communities, and builds a safe space for them to share, heal, and grow. It also helps them with basic needs like soap, sanitary towels, and toothpaste. Deborah is currently working on broadening the initiative. She believes Belle will lead to a noticeable difference in her community and make the world a better place.