The Umurage Legacy Circle 

Umurage means legacy in Kinyarwanda, and the members of our Umurage Legacy Circle are creating a lasting legacy of healing, education, and love. By planning a future gift to ASYV through their estates, Circle members help ensure that we can continue serving vulnerable youth in Rwanda for generations.


A gift in your will or trust

To include ASYV in your will or living trust, we suggest including the following language:
“I give to the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village a not-for-profit institution incorporated by the laws of the State of New York, having as its principal address of 234 Fifth Avenue, New York, 10001, federal tax identification number (EIN): 27-3530769 [the sum of $__ or __% of my estate or residuary estate] to be used for its general purposes.”


Looking for other ways to include ASYV in your legacy plans?

  • IRA or Retirement Funds

Making ASYV a partial or full beneficiary of any of your retirement assets is not only easy, it's a tax-wise way to leave a charitable bequest.

Contact your retirement plan administrator, bank, or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like ASYV to receive and name us along with the percentage you chose on the beneficiary form. Include the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village federal tax ID#: 27-3530769.

Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution.

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can also use your IRA to benefit the students of ASYV today. Contact the financial institution where your IRA is held to arrange a Qualified Charitable Distribution or a Required Minimum Distribution to ASYV.

  • Insurance Policy

You can make ASYV a partial or full beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Contact your insurance administrator and ask for a beneficiary form. 

  • Life Income Gifts

Through a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Remainder Trust, you can provide income for life for you and/or a loved one while also supporting ASYV. Contact for additional information. 



tell us about your legacy

You can also contact us directly at or +1.631.317.1763.


Members of our Umurage legacy Circle will receive

  • Special updates on our kids and our work.

  • Invitations to virtual and in-person events.

  • Umurage Circle acknowledgment in our annual report and on our website.

The information found on this page is intended for informational purposes only. We recommend consulting with a financial advisor or attorney before making decisions involving your estate.