A Busy and Meaningful Term Break - Term 3 Break Camps
Although school was out of session, the ASYV campus was still abuzz with activity during the Term 3 break. Read about the camps the Village hosted to keep minds and hearts active.
College & Career Readiness Camp
CDC Fellow, Mary Mantei with College & Career Readiness Camp Participants
ASYV’s Career Development Center (CDC) hosted a camp for 30 students that focused on supporting students to build college applications to local and international university programs. Students worked on applications for local school such as Kepler University, Akilah Institute, and the Africa Leadership University, while others interested in gap-year programs participated in informational sessions. The CDC brought in staff from the local universities to speak about what their schools have to offer. The students also learned about how to prepare for interviews, write personal statements, and to complete the common application. Campers were given the opportunity to research and give presentations on the schools which interested them.
Critical Thinking for P.E.A.C.E.
Critical Thinking for P.E.A.C.E. (Peace Education And Community Engagement) hosted its third annual camp this year. The camp, which was started by Rwandan students, Ian Manzi and Derrick Murekezi, alongside ASYV’s own, Julia Lisi (Board Relations & Development Assistant) is a peace education camp. This year, the camp’s curriculum centered around social impact and business innovation. Participants choose a specific track: leadership training, business training, critical reading and writing training or Model United Nations. Each track focused on unconventional methods of applying critical thinking, which empowered students to define their role and responsibility in sustaining social cohesion in their home communities..
International Theatre & Literacy Project
The International Theatre & Literacy Project (ITLP) aims to empower youth and adults to improve effective communication through theater. In its 8th year at ASYV, the ITLP camp was composed of 42 participants, two trainers and two apprentices. The participants were broken into two groups, one composed of Senior 4 students, and the other made up of first-year Enrichment Year students. Students practiced improv activities, script writing, staging and public speaking. At the end of the camp, the students performed their original plays for the whole ASYV community.
Lift Her Up
The Lift Her Up Summer Camp, which celebrated its second year, is an initiative started by ASYV alumna, Peace Grace Muhizi Umutesi (read more here). This year’s camp, lead by Peace Grace, ASYV intern, Andie Harris, and Sara Belbase, offered a 10-day program to empower young women and raise awareness about important socio-cultural issues through storytelling. The young women in the program learned how to share their stories through music, art, and writing. The stories told within the camp helped to strengthen awareness around women’s issues, and helped to provide healing. The camp focused on the social culture of girls and how girls interact with the larger world society. The participants were able to share their own unique stories and to shine a light on issues within their larger community.
Photography & Videography Boot Camp
Spearheaded by ASYV’s Media Intern, Roger Biziyaremye, the Photography & Videography Boot Camp engaged 16 students to take a deep dive into the basics of film and photography. The Boot Camp culminated with students creating their own original video project.