Welcoming Our New Students to the Village Family

My First Day

On Friday, September 30, our new class of 128 first-year, or Enrichment Year, students, arrived at the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV) for the first time. They met their new student families and ASYV Mamas and settled into their family homes, before enjoying an afternoon welcome celebration. The following morning, EY student Muneza Didier sat down with us to talk about his initial impressions of ASYV.

What was your experience of yesterday, your first day here in the Village? 

Muneza Didier on his first morning in the Village.

Before we left, my dad had told me: there is nothing to take, just your clothes. I couldn't believe it; that I was going to school without school fees or study materials. Taking the bus first from my home of Huye to Kigali and then to Rwamagana was a long journey. Now, I am so very happy to be here and to have many friends, including the other newcomers like me and our big brothers and sisters. 

Yesterday, the older siblings took care of us, and during family time they taught us about the Village’s core values and how to be a member of a family. We were also each assigned a family responsibility. I was made the representative of core values. 

What are you excited about?

I am excited to live in a family of 24 boys, coming from different regions, and to participate in many more family times so I can get to know my new brothers and support my family Mama. My brothers and I have different cultures but I know we will work together. 

I still can't believe that this is a school where you live with a family as if you were at home. I don't know how to say it... It's like heaven. I think that this year will be a good one.

Sisterly Advice

Egida (left) and Vanessa (right) at the outset of their final year in the Village. 

Upon entering our gates, our Enrichment Year kids were greeted by 376 new older brothers and sister. To mark the occasion, we asked two members of this year’s graduating class, Umuhire Vanessa and Ineza Egidia, what they’d like to share with their younger brothers and sisters.

What do you remember most from your Enrichment Year?

Egidia: I still remember the love with which the staff and students welcomed me. And the excitement of learning about all the opportunities in the Village: the first time I played volleyball and the first time I picked up a guitar. Today, I am very good at volleyball. As for the guitar, it is fair to say I am still learning. 

What challenges did you face? 

Vanessa: At first, I was not comfortable speaking up. I thought that because we were the youngest, our opinions and perspectives were less important. That was false. One of ASYV's core values is learning community, and this means that everyone's ideas matter. EY students have so much to offer us. Today or tomorrow you may say something that changes my life. I hope you do not fear us because we are always ready to help. 

Egidia: The challenge I faced was being too shy to display my knowledge in school and to show off my talents. You need to believe in yourself and do what you think is right. ASYV is a platform to show what you can achieve and all that is good in yourself. 

What advice would you share with your new brothers and sisters?

Vanessa: It is important to be deliberate about how you spend your time. Know your weaknesses and choose activities that will boost you up and give you strength. Join clubs that inspire you and will make you more self-confident. Have love for everyone, and help each other out. All EY students are new in this environment, so if you are good at something and your neighbor is struggling, reach out. We can all be productive, but ASYV has taught us to love at the same time. 

Egidia: In ASYV there are many opportunities to become whoever you want to be. Ever since I was a child, my dream was to be a lawyer and when I came here I realized that this was a place where I could work to achieve my goals. I chose to study History, Economics, and Geography, and I joined the Liquidnet Debate and Journalism clubs. ASYV has lots of opportunities. It is up to you now to grab them.

Jill Radwin